On 12/20/14 2:11 PM, Xinok wrote:
I'm going to make a stark proposal to the you all, the community and all
D users as whole. I wish for us to set an ultimate goal to be made top
priority and complete by the end of next year. My wish is to resolve the
issue of memory management for D by the end of 2015. This is a
significant issue that has affected most of us at one point or another.
I think this gives D a bad rap more than anything else and is a point of
contention for many, especially those with a background in C/C++.

I think the problem of memory management can be reduced to two points:
(1) The garbage collector for D is sub-par.
(2) There are too many implicit allocations in Phobos.

I think three goals need to be met for the problem of memory management
to be satisfied:
(1) We need a precise garbage collector. The fact that a
garbage-collected language experiences memory leaks truly reflects
poorly on on D.
(2) Furthermore, we need to improve the performance of the garbage
collector. There are some things the developer can do to reduce the time
and frequency collection cycles, but the current situation is far from
(3) We need a viable alternative to the garbage collection. Whether that
be allocators, ref counting, or full-fledged manual memory management,
there is great demand for the ability to use D without the GC with
little hassle.

Great. I'm up for this. -- Andrei

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