On 12/27/2014 6:27 PM, Daniel Murphy wrote:
"Mike Parker"  wrote in message

ElementEncodingType!(ElementType!RoR)[] join(RoR, R)(RoR ror, R sep)
if (isInputRange!RoR && isInputRange!(Unqual!(ElementType!RoR)) &&
isInputRange!R && is(Unqual!(ElementType!(ElementType!RoR)) ==
ElementEncodingType!(ElementType!RoR)[] join(RoR)(RoR ror) if
(isInputRange!RoR && isInputRange!(Unqual!(ElementType!RoR)));

I agree, the signatures are basically unreadable.

I usually just skip over them and look at the examples, which most
functions thankfully have.

eg for join:
const string[] arr = ["apple", "banana"];
assert(arr.join(",") == "apple,banana");
assert(arr.join() == "applebanana");

Me, too. I haven't been put off by the docs in years (has it really been *years*?). But you and I are hardly new to D :)

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