On 2014-12-26 01:48, Manu via Digitalmars-d wrote:

In this case, my colleague felt it was hard to understand the string
functions, but he got through it (after sending me txt messages to ask
I recall making the same comments when I first started trying to do
string manipulation in D. My personal take is, string functions are
all templates, which makes them look more complex than they are, and
for me, it was really hard to understand where to look for certain
functions; they're spread fairly evenly across 5 or so different
modules. Algorithm, range, ascii, uni, utf. Some of the most important
functions are in range and algorithm. Perhaps those that are fairly
string specific from range/algorithm should have aliases in
std.string, or std.string might public import some of the minor
modules, like ascii/uni/utf?

Don't forget about std.array as well ;)

/Jacob Carlborg

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