On Saturday, 27 December 2014 at 22:14:41 UTC, Robert burner
Schadek wrote:
On Saturday, 15 November 2014 at 01:43:07 UTC, Robert burner Schadek wrote:
This PR https://github.com/D-Programming-Language/phobos/pull/2724 adds an generic way of handling Exception in Range processing. quickfur and Dicebot ask me to start a thread here so the concept could be discussed.

We are currently searching for a name for an enum that is used to select which methods of the range to handle.

Current ideas are found in the PR. please have a look and give comments.

I don't like RangeMethod because the term ‘Method’ is not used by
the language documentation, which only uses the term ‘member
function’. Some range primitives aren't necessarily functions
either. What about RangePrimitive?

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