On 12/27/14 10:00 PM, Walter Bright wrote:
This is so bad there isn't even a direct link to it, it hides in shame.
Just go here:


and scroll up one entry. Here it is:

    size_t encode(Tgt, Src, R)(in Src[] s, R range);

    Encodes c in units of type E and writes the result to the output
range R.
    Returns the number of Es written.

Let me enumerate the awesomeness of its awfulness:

1. No 'Return:' block, though it obviously returns a value.
2. No 'Params:' block, though it obviously has parameters.
3. No 'Example:' block
4. No comparison with other 'encode' functions in the same module.
5. No description of what 'Tgt' is.
6. No description of what 'Src' is.
7. No clue where the variable 'c' comes from.
8. No clue where the type 'E' comes from.
9. 'R' is a type, not an instance.
10. I suspect it has something to do with UTF encodings, but there is no

This one is missing some docs too:


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