On Tuesday, 6 January 2015 at 12:07:21 UTC, Joseph Rushton Wakeling wrote:
If you have final-by-default for classes, and you accidentally forget to tag a public method as 'virtual', then you can fix that without breaking any downstream user's code. If by contrast you have virtual-by-default and you accidentally forget to tag a public method as 'final', then you can't fix that without the risk of breaking downstream; _someone_ may have relied on that function being virtual.

That's a much bigger problem than what you get with inferred attributes. If you have whole class hierarchy built around a function which isn't even supposed to be virtual, you'll have a lot of refactoring to do when it's marked final.

The only way in which downstream code will ever "break" is when the called function is longer expressed by the interface as 'pure'. Under the new default, this will only happen when the function *actually stops being pure*. This is good! The only code which will then break is code which is itself marked 'pure'. The solution is either to remove 'pure' from the user's function, or to stop calling the impure function. It's not the end of the world if a user function stops being pure (@safe, nothrow, etc.). Since the called function was never marked 'pure', and thus never guaranteed to be pure to begin with, it was only luck and convenience which allowed the user to tag his code 'pure' in the first place. And, as John Colvin just pointed out, with the new defaults, the user most likely won't even bother to tag his code 'pure', because he knows he will get all the optimization benefits without the hassle. The only reason to tag 'pure' from now on will be to *guarantee* it. At that point, you *want* your code to break, but only when your function actually stops being pure.

With D's existing default (and with code marked with the suggested new attribute 'extern(noinfer)'), you have another reason why your 'pure' function won't compile. Indeed, it's already broken. I ask you, why should a user have to wait until someone marks a function 'pure' to get the advantages of its purity, when the compiler already has everything it needs in order to grant those advantages? In the rare case where you actually want to revert to the way D is now, then you simply have to pay the price, which is the *same* price that everyone is already paying now.

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