You have already proposed this idea once and were explained in great detail why it doesn't work. To be honest if something like this would ever happen my first move would be to reach company leadership and discuss possible full forking of D compiler as a simple matter of ensuring business safety. This scheme introduces unacceptable amount of risks for customer.

Selling of software in any for is a relict of stone age and we must help it get forgotten.

At the same time offering more commercial support is something very desired for business and something I'd like to see extended. Right now pretty much only available option is to reach Walter personally and agree on some contract with DigitalMars which is both limited by manpower of a single person and not advertised in any way.

This is same issue as one that was mentioned when discussing vibe.d - having clearly communicated option to get a paid support to fix any issues you may encounter is possible deal-breaker for anyone considering risks of putting bet on D for next project.

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