On 1/11/2015 4:47 AM, Russel Winder via Digitalmars-d wrote:
Next question - standalone tool, or built in to dmd (like Ddoc)?
Also why in DMD and not in LDC or GDC?

It would be in the DMD front end, so LDC and GDC would it automatically.

1. people expect this sort of thing these days

Thanks to Python PEP-8 and Go, yes. Personalized code formatting is
increasingly a thing of the past, programming languages are now
opinionated and fascist when it comes to formatting. Even if the rules
are wrong.

The rules are always going to be wrong. But in this case, that's ok.

2. it tends to end bikeshedding arguments about the right way to
format things
Except when the tool implements the wrong style.

Sometimes it's better to just conform.

3. it'll help standardize the format of D code in the D repositories
Even if it is the wrong formatting standard?

I have to admit that the Phobos format rules make the code look
appallingly ugly to me, sufficiently so that I really do not want to
work on that codebase. I guess I am biased towards K&R C (which I use
to drive my C++ style), Java and Go.

Really? Like what? After many years of arguing about formatting myself, I decided that I had better things to waste my time on.

4. it's simply nice and convenient!
Working with Go in Emacs or LiteIDE is a bit of a joy as you get full
reformatting on save. Fortunately I only have two main gripes with the
Go formatting style, but no-one has a choice, use the Go style as
dictated by the Go team at Google or do not use Go.

So you decided to conform rather than not use Go.

(Anyhow, I suggest that gofmt is only mandatory if you wish to contribute to offical Go code, not for your own projects.)

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