On Wednesday, 14 January 2015 at 08:31:08 UTC, bearophile wrote:

I've googled and found no straightforward solution to this issue. The how can I modify my code to eliminate this error?

Your code gives me a different error (Error: PowerHeap!int is used as a type).

What if you replace the SList with a dynamic array?


Thanks for your reply.

I'm sorry that I've provided wrong code. This is the exact code:


template PowerHeap(T) {
    import std.container : SList;

    private alias PowerForest = SList!PowerNode;

    private final class PowerNode {
        private {
            T payload_;
            uint rank_;
            PowerForest children_;

    final class PowerHeap {
        private {
            PowerNode top_;
            PowerForest forest_;
            uint size_;

unittest {
    PowerHeap!int h;

My compiler is v2.066.1

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