Hi there, I'm a C++/Python refugee, new to D.

clang-format seems to do a pretty good job with both of these. Comments seem to be intact unless they're too long, then they're wrapped. It seems to wrap at a space or other non-identifier character. Same thing with expressions that are too long.

I would love such a tool for D, especially based on the ideas of clang-format. I first heard about clang-format from a talk by Google's Chandler Carruth: the way he said it, the LLVM guys looked at what their C++ programmers wasted the most time on, and it turned out to be whitespace, surprisingly enough. So they implemented was is essentially LaTeX for source code (optimal placement of spaces and line breaks using Djikstra's algorithm, the works). And he said it changed the way he codes, and at that point I had to go get it, and I 100% agree with him: it's awesome to have.

It works with Vim, Emacs, Visual Studio, Sublime, etc., because it provides a simple Python wrapper to the executable that anything can call any time to format any code. It works with C/C++, Objective-C, and Javascript; when I discovered it could do JavaScript, my use of that language rose substantially (could be coincidence :).

Reading some of the discussion here about whether to integrate it into the compiler, etc., makes me realize that one of the nice things about clang-format is real-time interactivity, i.e., I can type-type-type code quickly and without bothering with whitespace, just getting the idea out of my head and into the editor, then when I reach a breathing space I can hit a keycombo, and my editor reformats the block I just typed. I find that the hits to my flow are much smaller than having to do this manually, and I think that's what Carruth meant when he said it changed his coding.

Another nice thing about it is that it's fully parameterized (how many spaces, whether to indent this, what penalty to assign that, etc., example at [1]). It can search the current and parent directories for a .clang-format file with those parameters. It can also generate stock .clang-format files conforming to various coding styles, viz., LLVM, Google, Mozilla, WebKit, & Chromium. I throw this into my Git repos; happiness ensues.

Hope this helps outline the paths others have taken!

[1] Example Javascript .clang-format file: https://github.com/fasiha/kanjiwild/blob/gh-pages/.clang-format

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