On Saturday, January 17, 2015 09:32:43 Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d 
> In https://github.com/D-Programming-Language/dlang.org/pull/778 I'm
> proposing replacing
> http://dlang.org/comparison.html
> with
> http://erdani.com/d/comparison.html
> The silly one-column comparison was a vestige of a multi-column
> comparison that did more harm than good. I replaced it with a simple
> hierarchical list.
> However I wonder if we should eliminate the page altogether, or redo it
> completely. Thoughts?

The two pages look identical to me, but it looks like that PR was merged, so
maybe what I'm seeing is your hierarchical list. But without seeing what was
there this morning, I don't know how it compares to what was there before.
At first glance, I would have thought that that page was the same that it's
been since the other languages were removed from the table.

Regardless, while the information there is good, I do think that it looks
too much like a comparison table which is missing other languages to compare
against. Ideally, we'd find a way to present that list without making it
look like a comparison table. Unfortunately, I don't think that I have a
good suggestion on how to do that, so I don't think that I'm being very
helpful. However, I _do_ think that having a page which presents an
easy-to-parse list of common language features and says whether D has them
or not is useful and that we should have it. The hard part is figuring out
how to display that information cleanly, especially if we don't want to try
and explicitly compare D with other specific languages on the page.

- Jonathan M Davis

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