Lately Andrei has worked a lot with improving the site in various ways. To me it getting more clear and clear that Ddoc is not the right tool for building a web site. Especially the latest "improvement" [1] shows that it's not a good idea to reinvent the wheel, especially when it's not an improvement, at all.

Why don't we instead make use of a proper framework both on the server side and client side. Personally I would go with Ruby on Rails but I know that most of you here would hate that so a better suggestion would probably be vibe.d. For the client side I'm thinking Bootstrap and jQuery.

The biggest reason why I would prefer Rails is because I know everything that is needed is already implemented and easily available. I can not say the same thing about vibe.d. But it might be enough for, I don't know.

What do you think?


/Jacob Carlborg

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