
it seems that current dmd.exe segfaults in Wine (at least on my
GNU/Linux x86 box, with freshly created WINEPREFIX), which forces me to
switch between windoze VM and working environment if i want to write
some win32 program (and i have to :-( ).

so i have a bunch of questions:
1. does anybody observes the same behavior with Wine?
2. does anybody tried to build dmd.exe with MinGW (this is not related
to crashes, i think, but i like to build dmd.exe with cross-compiler)?
3. does anybody thought about allowing each dmd version to create all
kind of object files on any platform, and how much is this wanted?

as for "3": i know that i need a linker too, which is not ported (and
will not be). yet i seen some attempts to rewrite optlink in D, and if
windows version of dmd will be able to generte proper COFFs (is
-ms32coff doing that already?), it will be possible to use MinGW linker
and cross-linker with it.

allowing dmd to utilize MinGW toolchain will open some possibilities
for those who either already has MinGW and don't want to use DMC, or
for those who doing cross-compiles. as dmd alread can be build with
GCC, i don't think that this will take alot of efforts.

actually, i made bare-bones "mingw.mak", and made some source fixes
here and there, and now i got "dmd.exe" compiled with MinGW
cross-compiler. it shows dmd help when i launch it with wine, but
crashes when i'm trying to compile "hello world" (the "official" dmd
crashes with it too). as i don't have windows box to check it, i don't
know if it really works.

maybe someone already messed with MinGW builds, so i can shamelessly
steal his build scripts and fixes? i can publish mine, but i don't know
if it works at all, as i wrote ealier.

i know that gdc and ldc has some windows versions, but i need dmd, so
they are out of set of choices, alas.

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