On Wed, 21 Jan 2015 01:07:03 +0000
"Adam D. Ruppe via Digitalmars-d" <digitalmars-d@puremagic.com> wrote:

> On Wednesday, 21 January 2015 at 01:04:11 UTC, ketmar via 
> Digitalmars-d wrote:
> > two days making dmd.exe work with Wine to write the simple 
> > utility which i can write in two hours using MinGW 
> > cross-compiler.
> I've been using dmd with wine for a long time... I find it 
> sometimes seems to deadlock, but when it does, I just ctrl+c and 
> run it again. Mildly annoying but not a showstopper.
for me it segfaults constantly. being unable to debug it i first made
it compilable with MinGW, and then found that root/async.c is... well,
the root of all problems. i don't even want to know how it works and
what it tries to accelerate; there is non-threaded version there, so i
just made my build use it and WOW! no more crashes. the most painful
task was to build the working dmd.exe with mingw.

to be honest, i first tried to build it with visual studio, thinking
that it's something that dmc does wrong, and that alone took me half of
a day (vs build scripts aren't working, so i have to struggle with that
too in additional to vs itself). then i took a false start and wasted
another day. and then i stopped before trying to turn dmd into
cross-compiler. ;-)

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