Here's an article about the perils of equals in Java (opEquals in D):;jsessionid=GFKUCQH5S4IHNQE1GHOSKHWATMY32JVN?articleID=184405053&dept_url=/java/

It turns out this is a great example for NVI. In D, we could and should
do the following:

class Object {
    // Implement this
    private bool opEqualsImpl(Object rhs) {
        return false;
    // Use this
    final bool opEquals(Object rhs) {
        if (this is rhs) return true;
        if (this is null || rhs is null) return false;
        return opEqualsImpl(rhs) && rhs.opEqualsImpl(this);

I took advantage of the fact that in a final function this may be null
without an access violation. The implementation above ensures symmetry
of equality and has each class implement a simpler primitive.

What do you think?


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