On Wed, Jan 21, 2015 at 04:11:38PM -0800, Walter Bright via Digitalmars-d wrote:
> On 1/21/2015 3:25 PM, Mike wrote:
> >This proposal is attractive, though, but the new website trends are
> >too sparse.  I realize this is the modern trend, but that trend seems
> >to treat eveything like a 5" smartphone.
> I don't think that's surprising, but a big desktop display and a
> smartphone are different enough they need a different mindset.

This makes me think that we need a fluid layout that can handle any
aspect ratio you may throw at it. Unfortunately, I don't think CSS is
currently able to do that just yet.

> I'm not going to start editing code on a smartphone in the foreseeable
> future.  I need a BFG 9000 display.

Complete with splash damage and tracer rays? :-P


WINDOWS = Will Install Needless Data On Whole System -- CompuMan

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