On Thursday, 22 January 2015 at 16:00:51 UTC, NVolcz wrote:
On Wednesday, 21 January 2015 at 14:46:22 UTC, Sebastiaan Koppe wrote:
Just for fun and proof-of-concept I went ahead and forked the dlang.org site. I basically took the `do-what-everybody-else-is-doing` approach:


It is still a wip, but the landing page and the language reference (see Docs menu-item) is working.

Doing the ddoc was a maze of macro's at first. But spending a couple of hours untangling the mess, I finally found the ones I needed to change. After that things went pretty smooth. So ddoc ain't that bad. It is just that I didn't have syntax highlighting - nor goto-definition - and I hate that.

Still, it is cool in a way that I can just change some macro's, tweak the index.dd, the doc.ddoc and don't have to worry about all the other pages.

BTW, the build process on windows was way easier than linux. In fact, I could not get the makefile to run on linux at all. Looking into posix.mak, I see a blur of path's, all misconfigured, and I bet I am supposed to set those manually. I don't get it, doesn't everything has its own place? Isn't dmd always installed in /usr/bin, /usr/include/dmd and that stuff? I suppose not everyone is using the same distro. Or they are, except me :)

+1. Nice. One thing, too much space and to large fonts. As a user I get to little information without having to scroll.

And please don't forget accessibility! Keep it simple, because the blind and visually impaired cannot use fancy stuff that depends heavily on JS.

(cf. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_accessibility#Standards_and_guidelines)

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