On Sun, 25 Jan 2015 20:56:04 +0000, AndyC wrote:

> Its handy, yes, until you hit one of its many limitations, then what
> will you do?
i didn't come into any limitations yet. my scripts and other software was 
able to process any zips i trhowed at 'em.

but if i'll really hit any of std.zip limitiation... well, this is a 
clear sign that i should think about using custom archive format.

> Which is less work:
> 1) include libzip in the install as a requirement, and write a D
> interface for it.
> 2) reimplement all of it in D?
3. don't use zip, as something is already gone wrong.

> I don't honestly know.
> More C libraries means D is more useful faster and with less bugs. 
> Seems like a win to me.
one can write libzip wrapper and publish it in dub. this way Phobos will 
don't get an additional dependence, but those who need better zip support 
can easily get it.

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