On Monday, 26 January 2015 at 16:10:53 UTC, Jonathan Marler wrote:
I agree with Jonathan's points, this solution doesn't seem like an improvement. If I understand the problem, we don't want to make every attribute use the '@' symbol because it looks bad and would cause a lot of code changes for sake of consistency. However, on the other hand, we don't want to support the new properties because we have to add them as keywords which would break code using those words and would make the language more restrictive (nothing can be named nogc/safe/...).

Assuming I understand the problem, couldn't we modify the language grammar to support more attributes without making them keywords? Then we can omit the '@' on future code (and fix the old code if we want) and we don't have to litter the language with new keywords.

I understand that doing this may be fairly complicated. This may create some ambiguities in the grammar that would need to be handled carefully, but if it can work I think this would be a good option.

I think the short answer is that it's WAY too complicated for the benefit. Also, why burden the syntax highlighter, let alone the human reader, with ambiguities like this?

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