On Wednesday, 28 January 2015 at 19:34:33 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
Looking at both variants side-by-side, I think your grey version is much better. The original design is far too red. However, the grey version is also noticeably darker; maybe both the menu and the stream boxes on the right should be lightened up a bit? I'm thinking even a silver-metallic look might work. I'm no graphic designer, though, so take my word with a
grain of salt. :-)

Neither am I. I have no idea how to pull off a "silver-metallic look".

I can't seem to find a good border color for a lighter menu
background, because the lightness of the border comes close to that of
the page background, and they blend.

What about making both brighter?

I'm already in over my head here. So, maybe, I guess? But if it's an improvement over the status quo, I'd like to try without touching all the colors. They can always be fine-tuned later on. Preferably by someone who knows their color ABC a little better than me.

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