On Friday, 30 January 2015 at 04:37:14 UTC, Rikki Cattermole wrote:
On 30/01/2015 5:32 p.m., Craig Dillabaugh wrote:


6) We could still use maybe one (or two) more solid ideas. If you are
on some cool project related to the D ecosystem, and think a student
could help you (and you could help
them) we could maybe add your idea to the list. Especially if we end up
dropping QML.

Based upon what I was saying for getting window creation library in phobos. We need a good image library. This is another blocker. Requires color definition so it might be included depending on how Manu goes.
Also could be useful is cross platform sound output.

Hey, you are already doing web development! Do you not sleep or something?

I think for GSOC we need to have projects that are at least up and running, and provide them with something to work off of. This effort (Window Creation/Image Library) stills seems very much in the 'conception' phase, and my personal feeling is that until the exact goals are fleshed out a bit more it would be a shaky platform for a GSOC project.

There is the following project however:


How is that related to what you are proposing? Maybe Vadim could be enticed to sign up as a mentor?

7) If we are approved we will need to form a committee to evaluate the
proposals that will undoubtedly flood in ... any volunteers for that duty! It should likely include the mentors, but they might be biased,
so some folks outside the mentors group would be nice.

Count me in.

Great. If our application is accepted you will be the first on my 'Evaluation Committee' list.

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