On Tue, Sep 29, 2009 at 4:04 AM, Don <nos...@nospam.com> wrote:
> Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
>> In this article:
>> http://www.gotw.ca/publications/mill18.htm
>> Herb Sutter makes a powerful argument that overridable functions
>> (customization points) should actually not be the same as the publically
>> available interface. This view rhymes with the Template Method pattern as
>> well.
> Ever since I read that earlier this year, I've wondered about this (from the
> spec):
> "All non-static non-private non-template member functions are virtual. This
> may sound inefficient, but since the D compiler knows all of the class
> hierarchy when generating code, all functions that are not overridden can be
> optimized to be non-virtual. In fact, since C++ programmers tend to "when in
> doubt, make it virtual", the D way of "make it virtual unless we can prove
> it can be made non-virtual" results, on average, in many more direct
> function calls."
> Based on what Herb says, D is actively encouraging bad design...

I don't think that's even true what the spec says.  How can the
compiler know "all of the class hierarchy" if you compile modules
separately?  If you compile the base class module first, it has no way
of knowing whether or not some class in another module is going to
come along later and want to override a method.  Could be possible in
a smart linker, I suppose, but the spec clearly says "compiler".
Walter just got through telling us how the linker is a very simple
program, so I doubt OPTLINK at least is capable of such feats.


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