Am Mon, 02 Feb 2015 15:44:21 -0800
schrieb Walter Bright <>:

> > Also it's a conceptually nice way for typed registers: You can read
> > it as: I've got a Register of type PORT which is an extern variable
> > located add a fixed address. PORT abstract away volatile access.  
>      auto a = PORT!0x1234;
> looks nicer than:
>      pragma(address, 0x1234) PORT a;

But because of the every object needs an address rule it wastes at
least one byte in the data segment. And your example is actually in TLS.

Well I see that you're not even considering adding a simple pragma to
help embedded programming. In that case I see absolutely no reason to
continue working on that. You guys say "we lack expertise so we cannot
help directly" and you're in "search of champions" for these areas. But
whenever somebody working with D on embedded systems actually comes up
with an issue related to embedded programming and propose solutions you
simply dismiss it. Often even based on vague statements like "that's
not a common task".

pragma(address) could be trivially implemented now and I still think
it's a logical extension of the language, whereas global property ref
functions for this purpose are just hacks. Till D will have full inline
control rust will probably already have all the market share in these
areas. At least I'm not willing to invest any more effort into this.

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