"Jeremie Pelletier" <jerem...@gmail.com> wrote in message 
> Rainer Deyke wrote:
>> Jeremie Pelletier wrote:
>>> struct NonNull(C) if(is(C == class)) {
>>>     C ref;
>>>     invariant() { assert(ref !is null); }
>>>     T opDot() { return ref; }
>>> }
>> This only catches null errors at runtime.  The whole point of a non-null
>> type is to catch null errors at compile time.
> Thats what flow analysis is for, since these are mostly uninitialized 
> variables rather than null ones.
> If variables are properly initialized, you'll never get null where you 
> don't expect it, and those are checked at compile time too

Foo mightReturnSometing()
        return someFoo;
        return null;

void doSomethingWithFoo(Foo f)
  // etc

Foo f = mightReturnSometing();

That sort of scenario is not uncommon, and is often not particularly 
obvious. How is flow analysis going help with it at compile-time? It can't. 
But non-nullables can.

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