On Wed, 04 Feb 2015 05:24:18 +0000, Orvid King wrote:

> Yes, but @attribute isn't defined when compiling with DMD, resulting in
> the need for some fun with version statements.
exactly one module, say, for example, `gcccompat.d`:

  module gcccompat;

  version(GNU) {
    public import gcc.attribute;
  } else {
    private struct Attribute(A...) { A args; }
    auto attribute(A...) (A args)
      if (A.length > 0 && is(A[0] == string))
      { return Attribute!A(args); }

  @attribute("forceinline") int test () { return 42; }
    // wow, this works in DMD and LDC!

that's it. only one module, which can be easily added to any project. no 
need to modify the compiler in any way.

> @attribute also has the
> limitation of it being a UDA, so it can't be used for things like branch
> hinting.

how `@compiler(inline, never)` can be used for branch hinting? oh, on the 
second thought i don't want to see that syntax.

> I meant to include it in DIP 72, but forgot about that aspect
> of it; but I'd hope with DIP 72 to be able to allow @compiler attributes
> on statements, and, potentially, on expressions as well.

it still looks like UDA, it *can* be completely substituted by one UDA 
with string arguments, it adds hacks and special rules to the compiler. 
no wander Walter says "no" for it.

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