On 2015-02-02 09:09, Vladimir Panteleev wrote:

Even if I had faith that dub was a perfectly polished piece of software,
it doesn't solve any problems I have with building D programs, and in
fact would make said task more complicated. Here's why.

1. rdmd

rdmd is a simple and effective way to build D programs, and I'm sad to
see its use declining.

rdmd leverages two things: D's module system, and the compiler's import
search path. Dub's design seems to ignore both of the above.

I think one of the biggest advantage of Dub is the registry, code.dlang.org.

Another thing is it supports a cross-platform way of configure a build. Just take a simple thing as linking a static library will most likely look different on different platforms. Also, you most likely need a wrapper script that calls rdmd with all arguments. There's basically no language that works on both Windows and Posix out of the box. The only choice is to either go with one file for Posix (shell script) and one for Windows (batch files). Or you could go with D, which seems a bit overkill for just a passing a couple of flags.

/Jacob Carlborg

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