On 2/4/2015 1:24 PM, Dicebot wrote:
On Wednesday, 4 February 2015 at 21:16:15 UTC, Nordlöw wrote:
BTW: I still can't the debugger to find source information.
How and where do I the debug build configuration to call make with


as argument?

I tend to simply edit posix.mak and change CFLAGS there :)

A technique I use is to create a 'makefile' and use it to drive 'posix.mak'. That way I can tweak the settings without editing posix.mak.

# Makefile to build linux dmd executable


MAKE=make MODEL=$(MODEL) TK=$(TK) ROOT=$(ROOT) C=$C RELEASE=1 -f posix.mak

targets :
        $(MAKE) all -j 4

dmd :
        $(MAKE) dmd -j 4

dmd64 :
        $(MAKE) MODEL=64 dmd -j 4

profile :
        $(MAKE) MODEL=64 dmd -j 4 PROFILE=-pg

gcov :
        $(MAKE) gcov

zip :
        $(MAKE) zip

clean :
        $(MAKE) clean

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