On Thursday, 5 February 2015 at 08:05:30 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
So, while in principle, it would be great if assertions related to contracts were enabled or disabled by the caller, not only does it not work that way
now, I have no idea how it even could work that way.

You could have an IDE and build system that makes signatures, unit tests and pre/post conditions essentially read only. Then any modifications to the program specification is either impossible or is flagged as something that is up for negotiation. The build system/compiler can trivially emit contracts to a database. If the contracts change then all code that depend on them will have to be revalidated/recompiled.

It is important for D that the D developers keep in mind that the language and the compiler should be designed as separate entities. DMD-internals have too much influence over the language design already.

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