Am 03.02.2015 um 09:51 schrieb ketmar:
On Tue, 03 Feb 2015 02:19:55 +0000, Martin Nowak wrote:

There seems to be a general scepticism against dub and I wonder what the
reasons are.

'cause it really sux as a build tool.

Just to state the design perspective for a little bit of rationale: DUB is not designed to be a build tool itself, but rather to operate on a meta level, able to invoke other build tools or to generate foreign build descriptions, similar to what CMake and similar systems do. This is the reason why its own build system is rather simple (i.e. hasn't received enough work to be more comprehensive) and doesn't yet support things like incremental builds (there are additional reasons for this, though). It's meant to provide a convenient default functionality, but doesn't claim to be fully featured.

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