Hello Walter,

Frankly, this is not an impressive list. These issues are discoverable
using standard data flow analysis, and in fact are part of Digital
Mars' optimizer. Here is the current state of it for dmd:

1. Optimizer discovers it, but ignores the information. Due to the
recent thread on it, I added a report for it for D (still ignored for
C). The downside is I can no longer use *cast(char*)0=0 to drop me
into the debugger, but I can live with that as assert(0) will do the
same thing.


4. Dead assignments are automatically detected and removed. I'm not
convinced this should be reported, as it can legitimately happen when
generating source code. Generating false positives annoy the heck out
of users.

vote++ on silent

6. Arrays are solidly covered by a runtime check. There is code in the
optimizer to detect many cases of overflows at compile time, but the
code is currently disabled because the runtime check covers 100% of
the cases.

I'd advocate for any compile time checks that never generate false positives running even if the runtime checks would get it also. I'd rather known sooner than later.

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