On Friday, 6 February 2015 at 18:52:45 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
I think the problem is overstated. -- Andrei

I think there could hardly be a more persuasive argument that this belief is wrong than Walter himself just having made the mistake several times, and not even immediately realizing what is wrong: https://github.com/D-Programming-Language/phobos/pull/2966 [1]

Sorry for singling out this one example here. While it is particularly demonstrative, I am certainly not intending to put Walter in a bad light. It's simply hard to get that stuff right, as templates can make it hard to accurately determine the complete public interface of a function. As pointed out in the PR, here are some more examples for this class of bugs from Phobos code, also written and reviewed by top D coders:


Neither of those issues would have been prevented by your new guidelines; the code in question is already written in that way. Quite to the contrary, consequent application of minimal @trusted blocks or even the workaround you reject so strongly would have prevented all of the bugs except for 14138.


[1] The diff in question, for when the PR is fixed: https://github.com/klickverbot/phobos/commit/db647f62cb5279ae42ad98665cd60cdcdb9b3dd5

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