This is headed in the right direction, I think. Comments below.

On 2/9/15 3:19 AM, Walter Bright wrote:
Andrei and I have learned a lot from the @trusted discussions. It's
clear the way we were approaching the problem was inadequate. So we came
up with a proposal based on the ideas and criticisms of the participants
in the references. It involves no language changes, but offers usage
guidelines that we believe are workable. Tell us what you think!

Trusted Manifesto

Memory safety in D has the usual definition: a memory-safe program never
uninitialized memory and never reads or writes memory with a type
with the type it was written. The aim of D's
@safe, @trusted, and @system attributes is to provide as much
mechanically verified to be safe code as possible.


Function signatures inform what must be true about a function. If
a function is marked as @safe, it must contain only @safe code. This
safety must be mechanically checkable.

Sometimes, an unsafe operation is needed even in a function
that is overall safe. For example,
here's a function that returns an upper case version of its
input string:

   string toUpper(string s) @safe
      char[] r = new char[s.length];
      foreach (i, c; s)
     r[i] = toUpper(c);
      return cast(string)r; // <== unsafe operation

The compiler rejects this function because it's declared as safe but
contains an
unsafe operation.
Review of the whole function shows that the operation, in this instance,
is safe.
One way to deal with that is to do what is called an "escape", meaning
telling the compiler "I know what I'm doing, so allow this operation":

   string toUpper(string s) @safe
      char[] r = new char[s.length];
      foreach (i, c; s)
     r[i] = toUpper(c);

      static string trustedCast(char[] r) @trusted
         return cast(string)r;

      return trustedCast(r);

This will pass typechecking. However, the only reason it is safe is
because the context
in which trustedCast() is called makes it safe. In other words, a manual
review of the surrounding
context is necessary, which violates the @safe promise that its contents
are mechanically

I.e. the trustedCast() function is an "escape" that injects unsafety
into its surrounding

This leads to:

RULE 1: @trusted code accessible from @safe code must expose a safe
interface to unsafe operations.

@trusted must not be used to inject unsafety into surrounding context
that is marked @safe.
@safe code must be mechanically verifiable to be safe, and subverting
that is not acceptable.

COROLLARY 1: @trusted functions should be as small as possible to
encapsulate the unsafe operation
without injecting unsafety into @safe code.

In the case of toUpper(), it is necessary to review the entire function
to verify that the cast is safe,
so it is properly written:

   string toUpper(string s) @trusted
      char[] r = new char[s.length];
      foreach (i, c; s)
     r[i] = toUpper(c);
      return cast(string)r;

This I don't disagree with. The issue is mostly that the entire function marked as @trusted allows for future additions that are unintentionally un-@safe. But we can work with this for now and see how it goes.

Use of local @trusted functions with safe interfaces is encouraged to
minimize the amount of safety code review required.

An example here would be good. Perhaps the memcpy example.

Generic Functions

Generic functions are templates that accept compile time parameters in
the form of types, values or aliases to other functions.
Whether the function is @safe or @system is not checkable until the
template function is instantiated with explicit
arguments. If the template function is marked as @safe, then it can only
be instantiated with arguments that expose
safe operations.

If the template function is marked @safe, then RULE 1 applies.

But that reduces the genericity of the function. The compiler is able to


deduce whether a template function is @safe or @system
when it is instantiated. For maximum utility, we need a way to specify

     This template function is @safe if the generic and non-generic
operations it uses are @safe as well,
     otherwise it is @system.

Consider a function to make an immutable array copy of a range:

   immutable(ElementType!Range)[] toArray(Range)(Range r)
      alias ElementType!Range E;
      alias Unqual!E U;
      U[] a = new U[r.length];
      foreach (i, e; r)
     a[i] = e;
      return cast(immutable)a; // <== unsafe operation

Being a template function without specified attributes, the compiler
will infer the attributes.
But with the unsafe cast, toArray() will always be inferred to be
@system. But the rest
of the code is safe. If toArray is marked as @trusted,

   immutable(ElementType!Range)[] toArray(Range)(Range r) @trusted
      alias ElementType!Range E;
      alias Unqual!E U;
      U[] a = new U[r.length];
      foreach (i, e; r)
     a[i] = e;
      return cast(immutable)a; // <== unsafe operation

then if the range primitives (front, empty, popFront) exposed by the
argument to r
happen to be @system, then those are invalidly assumed to be trustable.
Every usage
of toArray() would need to be reviewed for safety, which is impractical.

What is needed is a way to isolate the unsafe operation, and enable the
compiler to
infer the rest. In other words, a local exemption from overall safety
deduction is needed.

Introducing the 'trusted' template to be put in std.conv:

   @trusted auto trusted(alias fun)() { return fun(); }

and used:

   immutable(ElementType!Range)[] toArray(Range)(Range r)
      alias ElementType!Range E;
      alias Unqual!E U;
      U[] a = new U[r.length];
      foreach (i, e; r)
     a[i] = e;

      import std.conv : trusted;
      auto result = trusted!(() => cast(immutable)a);
      return result;

Use of the trusted escape requires the programmer to review the context
to determine if
it really is safe. The compiler will infer safety from the rest of the

I actually like this. It is one step closer to the mechanically verified trusted function we have been asking for. In fact, it's exactly like that, as it will break existing if you happened to add @system calls inside this function.

However, there is a large hole in your example:

Object[] o = ...;

auto o2 = toArray(o);

Now, we have o and o2. o2 is all immutable references to objects that are also in o as mutable.

The above function is not safe. This is a demonstration that even with mechanically verified @safe code with seemingly correct escapes, you cannot assume anything, especially with templates. I don't really like std.conv.trusted. It doesn't add enough value. What is wrong with using a lambda directly?

auto result = (() @trusted => cast(immutable)a)();

RULE 2: Usage of escapes are only allowable in functions for which
safety is inferred,
and never when calling into as-of-yet not defined generic functions.

But how can it be verified that toArray() is safe otherwise?

RULE 3: An @safe unittest must be used to verify safety when escapes are

   @safe unittest
      ... TODO: test toArray() ...

This rule is misworded. The unit test does not verify that it's @safe, it only verifies that @safe can be applied to the function, even if the function isn't actually @safe.

I'd say:

RULE 3: A @safe unittest must be used to verify the function can be called as @safe when escapes are used. However, this does NOT verify safety, that still must be manually checked.

A unittest may also be constructed that verifies via static assert that
if a type
with @system operations is passed to the function, that the function is
as @system.

The programmer must still verify that the usage of escapes that leak
unsafety into the surrounding context is safe.

RULE 4: Escape unsafety must not inject unsafety beyond the template
function it is used in.


1. if(0) block

Provide an @trusted local function that fully encapsulates the unsafe
code and its context,
providing a safe interface. For the operations on template parameters
that may or may not be
safe inside the local function, represent them in an if(0) block of code:

   if (0) // safety inference
     Unqual!T tmp = cast(Unqual!T)item;
     emplaceRef!(Unqual!T)(tmp, cast(Unqual!T)item);

   @trusted void emplace()
     auto bigData = _data.arr.ptr[0 .. len + 1];

     emplaceRef!(Unqual!T)(bigData[len], cast(Unqual!T)item);

     //We do this at the end, in case of exceptions
     _data.arr = bigData;

Although this works, it requires duplication of code in a rather
careful, tedious, and essentially
unmaintainable manner. It also simply looks wrong, although it could be
made more palatable by
enclosing it in a template.

2. isSafe!T template

Such a template would test that all operations on type T are @safe. The
template function could
then be marked @trusted. The troubles with this are (a) it is all or
nothing with T, i.e. if a
template function only used an @safe subset of T, it still would not be
accepted and (b) it does
not do proper inference of the safety of a template function.

3. @system escape

@system would be used for escaping unsafe code in an @trusted function,
or in an un-attributed function
it would instruct compiler to not use the escaped code when deducing
trustworthiness. Unsafe code in an @trusted function
not so marked would generate an error. While this works, it would
essentially break every @trusted function
already in existence. It is a somewhat nicer syntax than the
std.conv.trusted template, but the backwards compatibility
issue makes it unworkable. It offers a technical advantage over
std.conv.trusted in that @system will not be
allowed in @safe functions, while not allowing std.conv.trusted escapes
in @safe function would be by convention.

I understand the idea of rejecting this to avoid breaking code.

However, let's consider 3 things:

1. you may break @trusted code, but when you do, it points to code that may not have been scrutinized as well as it should have been. 2. It allows making @safe functions with @trusted escapes @trusted functions with @system escapes. This is a better marking system than what we have today. 3. Having the user tag properly what is non-safe and what is safe, allows for other mechanical verification later on. For example tagging data as @system so normal @trusted code cannot touch it without marking as well.


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