Am 14.02.2015 um 10:46 schrieb Vladimir Panteleev:
On Saturday, 14 February 2015 at 09:17:57 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
Counting on your help!

Here are some things that would help:

1. Most urgently, update the .dt template to match the current

I've done that quickly (using a HTML to Jade converter). Will open a pull request soon.

2. Ideally, the .dt templates need to be removed, and DDox made to use
the existing DDoc templates. This is so future website updates are
immediately reflected in DDox, to avoid this situation in the future.

This should be doable one way or another, it just probably requires some hacks, because Ddoc works top-down, while the Diet templates are processed bottom-up.

3. Currently, DDox creates all .html files regardless if they've
actually changed or not, thus making each generated file always have a
new modification time. Because the website is uploaded via rsync, this
greatly increases upload time. This can be solved by making DDox first
create a Makefile include, or by simply making it not overwrite files
with identical content.

I'll look into that.

There is generally something very broken about the DDox templates. I've
attempted to fix the website by adding a copy of the old style.css, and
I've modified layout.dt like so:

diff --git a/dpl-docs/views/layout.dt b/dpl-docs/views/layout.dt
index c4ddcb0..2960625 100644
--- a/dpl-docs/views/layout.dt
+++ b/dpl-docs/views/layout.dt
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ html(lang='en-US')
      script(src='#{root_dir}js/run.js', type='text/javascript')
      link(rel='stylesheet', href='#{root_dir}css/codemirror.css')
-    link(rel='stylesheet', type='text/css',
+    link(rel='stylesheet', type='text/css',

      script(type="text/javascript", src="#{root_dir}prettify/prettify.js")

Yet, no matter what I do, which files I delete or how I attempt to
rebuild, the generated .html files still reference "style.css" and not

This is a known bug that I had completely forgotten about. It needs to get a priority boost.

I'm also getting strange linker errors when attempting to rebuild DDox:

These only happen SOMETIMES. They don't happen on a clean build. I
haven't identified the pattern, but it seems to vary between working and
not working without me changing anything in the environment.

No idea what could cause this. Does running DUB with --build-mode=allAtOnce help (performs compile and link with a single DMD invocation)?

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