Le 23/02/2015 07:13, Olivier Pisano a écrit :
On Sunday, 22 February 2015 at 22:27:42 UTC, Raphaël Jakse wrote:
Le 22/02/2015 14:00, Olivier Pisano a écrit :
I did send you a first draft of the variable number of parameters
chapter on Friday, on your gmail address. Did you get it ?

Yes, I thought I answered to your mail. Sorry if I didn't.

I read it quickly, it looks very well. Great, thank you very much for
your work. I must find time to handle it, surely in the week.

I also received proofreads for the first chapters, I will fix the
translation soon.

Thank you all for your work, that's great!


Great, if you think something needs to be changed, do not
hesitate. I started the translation of the next chapter this
weekend and I should have something to show in the next few days.

Looking forward for your work :-)

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