So I've been thinking about how to do safety for a while, and this is how I would do it if I got to start from scratch. I think it can be harnessed to D, but I'm worried that people will be confused by it, or that there might be a show-stopping use case I haven't thought of, or that it is simply too cumbersome to be taken seriously, but I'll make a DIP when it overcomes these three obstacles.

I'm feeding off the momentum built by the approval of DIP25, and off of other recent `scope` proposals:

This system goes farther than either DIP25 or DIP69 towards complete safety, but is simpler and easier to implement I (I think) than Mark Schutz's and deadalnix's proposal. It is not an ownership or reference counting system, but can serve as the foundation to one. Which leads to...

Principle 1: Memory safety is indispensable to ownership, but not the other way around. Memory safety focuses on all the things which *might* happen, and casts a wide net, akin to an algebraic union, whereas ownership targets specific things, focuses on what *will* happen, and is akin to the algebraic intersection of things. I will therefore present the memory safety system first, leave grafting an ownership system on top of it for later.

Principle 2: The Function is the key unit of memory safety. The compiler must never need to leave the function it is compiling to verify that it is safe. This means that no information important to safety can be excluded from the signatures of the functions that the compiling function is calling. This principle has already been conceded in part by Walter and Andrei's acceptance of `return ref` parameters in DIP25, which simply implements the most common use case where safety is needed. Here I am taking this principle to the extreme, in the interest of total safety. But speaking of function signatures,

Principle 3: Extra function and parameter attributes are the tradeoff for great memory safety. There is no other way to support both encapsulation of control flow (Principle 2) and the separate-compilation model (indispensable to D). Function signatures pay the price for this with their expanding size. I try to create the new attributes for the rare case, as opposed to the common one, so that they don't appear very often.

Principle 4: Scopes. My system has its own notion of scopes. They are compile time information, used by the compiler to ensure safety. Every declaration which holds data at runtime must have a scope, called its "declaration scope". Every reference type (defined below in Principle 6) will have an additional scope called its "reference scope". A scope consists of a very short bit array, with a minimum of approximately 16 bits and reasonable maximum of 32, let's say. For this proposal I'm using 16, in order to emphasize this system's memory efficiency. 32 bits would not change anything fundamental, only allow the compiler to be a little more precise about what's safe and what's not, which is not a big deal since it conservatively defaults to @system when it doesn't know.

So what are these bits? Reserve 4 bits for an unsigned integer (range 0-15) I call "scopedepth". Scopedepth is easier for me to think about than lifetime, of which it is simply the inverse, with (0) scopedepth being infinite lifetime, 1 having a lifetime at function scope, etc. Anyway, a declaration's scopedepth is determined according to logic similar that found in DIP69 and Mark Schutz's proposal:

int r; // declaration scopedepth(0)

void fun(int a /*scopedepth(0)*/) {
  int b; // depth(1)
    int c; // depth(2)
      int d; // (3)
      int e; // (3)
  int f; // (1)

Principle 5: It's always un@safe to copy a declaration scope from a higher scopedepth to a reference variable stored at lower scopedepth. DIP69 tries to banish this type of thing only in `scope` variables, but I'm not afraid to banish it in all @safe code period:

void gun() @safe {
  T* t; // t's declaration depth: 1
  T u;
    T* uu = &u; // fine, this is normal
    T tt;
    t = &tt; // t's reference depth: 2, error, un@safe
  // now t is corrupted

So you'd have to enclose "t = &tt;" above in a @trusted lambda or a @system block. The truth is, it is absurd to copy the address of something with shorter lifetime into something with longer lifetime... what use would you ever have for it in the longer-lived variable? I'm therefore simplifying the system by making all instances of this unsafe.

Looking at Principle 5, I realize I forgot:

Principle 6: Reference variables: Any data which stores a reference is a "reference variable". That includes any pointer, class instance, array/slice, `ref` parameter, or any struct containing any of those. For the sake of simplicity, I boil _all_ of these down to "T*" in this proposal. All reference types are effectively the _same_ in this regard. DIP25 does not indicate that it has any interest in expanding beyond `ref` parameters. But all reference types are unsafe in exactly the same way as `ref` is. (By the way, see footnote [1] for why I think `ref` is much different from `scope`). I don't understand the restriction of dIP25 to `ref` paramteres only. Part of my system is to expand `return` parameter to all reference types.

Principle 7: In this system, all scopes are *transitive*: any reference type with double indirections inherits the scope of the outermost reference. Think of it this way:

T** grun() {
  T** tpp = new T*; // reference scopedepth(0)
  return tpp; // fine, safe

  static T st; // decl depth(0)
  T* tp = &st; // ref depth(0)
  *tpp = tp;
  return tpp; // safe, all depths still 0

  T t; // decl depth(1)
  tp = &t; // tp reference depth now (1)
  *tpp = &tp; // safe, depths all 1
  return tpp; // un@safe

If a reference type contains *any* pointer, no matter how indirect, to a local scope, the *whole* type is corrupted when the scope finishes.

Principle 8: Any time a reference is copied, the reference scope inherits the *maximum* of the two scope depths:

T* gru() {
  static T st; // decl depth(0)
  T t; // decl depth(1)
  T* tp = &t; // ref depth(1)
  tp = &st; // ref depth STILL (1)
  return tp; // error!

If you have ever loaded a reference with a local scope, it retains that scope level permanently, ensuring the safety of the reference.

Whatever your worries about scopedepth, I want to introduce the purpose of the other 12 bits in a scope.

I said a scope consisted of 16 bits, and I only used 4 so far. What are the other 12 for, then? Simple, we need one bit for each of the function's parameters. Let's reserve 8 bits for them. All references copied to or from the 8th parameter or above are treated as if they copied to *all* of them. Very few functions will do this, so we paint them all with a broad brush, for safety reasons. (Likewise, all scopedepths above 15 are treated the same.)

We have 4 bits left. These are for the "special" parameters: One for the implicit `this` parameter of member functions, one bit for the context of a nested function, one special bit to symbolize access to or from global or heap variables, and one bit left over in case I missed something. Remember, the "luxury" version would have a whole 32, or even 64 bits to play around with, but 16 will suffice in most cases.

Each of the functions parameters is initialized with its own bit set. All these bits represent "mystery scopes" -- that is, we don't know what their scope is in the calling function, but:

Principle 8: We don't need to know! For all intents and purposes, a reference parameter has infinite lifetime for the duration of the function it is compiled in. Whenever we copy any reference, we do a bitwise OR on *all* of the mystery scopes. The new reference accumulates every scope it has ever had access to, directly or indirectly.

T* fun(T* a, T* b, T** c) {
  // the function's "return scope" accumulates `a` here
  return a;
  T* d = b; // `d's reference scope accumulates `b`

  // the return scope now accumulates `b` from `d`
  return d;

  *c = d; // now mutable parameter `c` gets `d`

  static T* t;
  *t = b; // this might be safe, but only the caller can know

All this accumulation results in the implicit function signature:

T* fun(return T* a, // DIP25
       return noscope T* d, // DIP25 and DIP71
       out!b T** c  // from DIP71
       ) @safe;

(See footnote [2] for a comment on on the `out!` and `noscope` attributes.)

Principle 9: When calling a function, DIP25 (expanded to all reference types) in combination with DIP71 gives you everything you need to know to ensure total memory safety. If we have a function signature:

T* gun(return T* a, noscope T* b, out!b T** c) @safe;

T* hun(return T* a1, T** b2) {
  T t;
  T* tp, tp2;
  tp = new T; // depth zero
  tp2 = gun(a1,  // tp2 accumulates a1 based on fun()'s signature
           tp, // okay to copy a new T to a global pointer
           b2); // b2 now loaded with tp's global only scope
  return tp2; // okay, all we have so far is a1, marked `return`

  tp = &t; // tp now loaded with local t's scope
  return gun(tp, // error, gun() inherits tp's local scope
             tp2, // tp2 has a1 only right now
             b2, // error, b2 not marked `out!a1`

The point is that there's nothing gun() can do to corrupt hun() on its own, since all its exits are blocked.

Principle 10: You'll probably have noticed that all scopes accumulate each other according to lexical ordering, and that's good news, because any sane person assigns and return references in lexical order. The fun part of this proposal is that for 99.99% of uses the safety mechanism will catch the load ordering accurately on the first pass, with hardly any compiler effort. It's safe because it accumulates and never loses information. But there is a way to break this system, although there are only two types of people who would ever do it: malicious programmers trying to break the safety system, and fools. This is how you do it:

T* what() {
  T t;
  T* yay;
  foreach(i; 1..4) {
    if (i == 3)
      yay = new T;
    else if (i == 2)
      return yay;
    else if (i == 1)
      yay = &t;

The good news is that even this kind of malicious coding can be detected. The bad news is that checking for this 0.01% of code may take up an unfriendly amount of compile time. Here's the way I thought of to check even for this malicious code:

The lexical ordering can only be different from the logical order of execution when one is inside a branching conditional which is inside a "jumpback" situation, where the code can be revisited. A jumpback can only occur after a jump label has been found (rare), or inside a loop (common). Anytime a reference is copied under the potentially dangerous condition, push the statement that copied it onto a stack. When the end of the conditional has been reached, revisit each statement in reverse order and "reheat" the relevant scopes.

Aside from this unfortunate "gotcha", D would be 100% memory safe with this system (at least in single-threaded code -- exceptions and thread safety different issues I haven't fully thought through).


1. With this system as foundation, an effective ownership system is easily within reach. Just confine the outgoing scopes to a single parameter and no globals, and you have your ownership. You might need another (rare) function attribute to help with this, and a storage class (e.g. `scope`, `unique`) to give you an error when you do something wrong, but the groundwork is 90% laid.

2. Do I realize that it's weird dressing up function parameters with so much information about what they do? Yes I do. But I think it's important to see what 100% safety would actually look like, even if it's rejected on account of being too burdensome. And it wouldn't even *be* burdensome if attribute inference were made uniform throughout the language. The function signatures could then appear dressed up in their full glory typically only in compiler generated interface files, and other places where programmers, not compilers, wanted them. Anyway, this is my reference safety system. Pop it with your needles!

[1] The problems with `ref` come from the fact that it is the only storage class which changes the way a program works without giving you an error:

void notRef(/*ref*/ int a) { ++a; }
void yesRef(  ref   int a) { ++a; }

void test() {
  int a = 0;
  yesRef(a); // a == 1
  notRef(a); // a still 1

Both yesRef() and notRef() are accepted, but it changes what happens which one you use. Adding or subtracting any other attribute will at most give you an error, but won't silently change things. `ref`, an "immutable pointer with value semantics," is a complicated beast, a type but not a type. I say this because `scope` and its variants are not so complicated. `scope` is like most other attributes. All is does is help the compiler optimize things and generate errors when misused. Its presence or absence will never change what the program actually does, and therefore it should not be lumped together with the problems associated with `ref`. [End 1]

[2] Since the discussion to DIP71:

...which proposes `out!` and `noscope` parameters as a way of warning the caller what is done inside the function, I have started to consider the issue of ownership in addition to reference safety. I'm not wedded to the name `noscope` in the role I proposed for it. Mark Schutz suggested reusing keyword `static` instead, to indicate that a reference is copied to a global variable. This may be wise, in light of the fact that an ownership system may require something like `noscope` for a subtly different purpose. But there's no point in discussing details unless the whole proposal gains traction first. [End 2]

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