On Tuesday, 24 February 2015 at 23:02:14 UTC, ponce wrote:
One (big) problem about error code is that they do get ignored, much too often. It's like manual memory management, everyone think they can do it without errors, but mostly everyone fail at it (me too, and you too).

Explicit return values for errors is usually annoying, yes, but it is possible to have a language construct that isn't ignorable. That means you have to explicitly state that you are ignoring the error. E.g.

open_file("file2")?.write("stuff") // only write if file is ready open_file("file1")?.write("ffuts") // only write if file is ready

  if ( error ) log_error() // log if some files were not ready


  f = open_file(…)
  g = open_file(…)
  h = open_file(…)
  if( error(f,g,h) ) log_error

Also with async programming, futures/promises, the errors will be delayed, so you might be better off having them as part of the object.

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