On Sunday, 1 March 2015 at 19:22:06 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
On 3/1/2015 7:44 AM, "Marc =?UTF-8?B?U2Now7x0eiI=?= <schue...@gmx.net>" wrote:
A weakness of the same kind affects DIP25, too. The core of the problem is borrowing (ref return as in DIP25), combined with manual (albeit hidden) memory
management. An example to illustrate:

    struct T {
        void doSomething();
    struct S {
        RCArray!T array;
    void main() {
auto s = S(RCArray!T([T()])); // s.array's refcount is now 1
        foo(s, s.array[0]);           // pass by ref
    void foo(ref S s, ref T T) {
        s.array = RCArray!T([]);      // drop the old s.array
        t.doSomething();              // oops, t is gone

The trouble seems to happen when there are two references to the same object passed to a function. I.e. there can be only one "borrowed" ref at a time.

I'm thinking this could be statically disallowed in @safe code.

Yes, it's a classical aliasing problem. Of course, if the references can't possible alias because of their types, it's ok. However, for non-pure functions, it's always (?) unsafe, because they have access to all kinds of global variables. Too bad we don't have pure by default :-(

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