On Tuesday, 3 March 2015 at 09:58:12 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
On 3/3/15 12:53 AM, Volodymyr wrote:
On Thursday, 26 February 2015 at 21:50:56 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
http://wiki.dlang.org/DIP74 got to reviewable form. Please destroy and



With opAddRef/opRelease class does respondible for its dealocation and its own payload so breaks SOLID's single responsibility principle.

Correct. That's a tactical matter that can be addressed e.g. with mixin templates.

for me better design will be to do it closer to C++'s shared_ptr.

// maybe with @arc
struct RefCounter(T)
void opAddRef();
void opRelease();
ref T obj;
ref size_t count;

RefCounter!Widged myRefToWidget;

RefCounter with default ctor/dtor. opAddRef and opRelease is for compiler optimtimisation and elimination of redunadant ref counter

We couldn't make that work with safety.


Why couldn't? Let's for all @return (this) functions make wrappers that rerturn RefCounter!MemberType(member, ownerCounterPtr), and same thing for public fields

The wrapper nedded only for realy owned resources (but not simple gc's refs).

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