On Saturday, 21 March 2015 at 22:16:10 UTC, Martin Nowak wrote:
This blog post describes what to consider when switching from python to go.


It's very interesting, because the long list of things to give up for more efficient go code reads like an argumentation against choosing go
from a D perspective.
And given that D is on par with Python's expressiveness, we should
really emphasize this aspect.

I recently made a pull request for a go tool and spent about half an hour trying to find some function to test whether an array contains a particular element. I also asked on #go-nuts to confirm I didn't miss
anything, but you're really supposed to write an explicit loop.


That's what you would write in other languages.

if "chunked" in request.transfer_encodings:

return if request.transfer_encodings.include? 'chunked'

if (request.transferEncodings.canFind("chunked"))

const auto& arr = request.transfer_encodings;
if (find(arr.begin(), arr.end(), string("chunked")) != arr.end())

There exists some functionality for sorted arrays (only int, float, and
string), but that isn't applicable here.

While go will hardly ever have good support for algorithms, because of the lack of overloads and generics, they also choose against adding such
trivial, but often needed, algorithms to the basic types.
With a functional programming (or C++ algo) background, I find this very
hard to get used to.
Repeatedly writing out such trivial code often mixes different levels of abstraction and is one of the reasons why go code is so noisy, manual
error code handling being another one.

trust me, from an undecided but experienced developer's
perspective there are so many reasons to choose D over Go. on the
otherhand same person has a lot more reasons to choose Go over D.

i'm writing a very long blog post about this. if anyone's
interested, i can happily share the draft with them.

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