On 3/26/15 3:28 PM, H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d wrote:
Don't like the name, though. Prefer 'isOrdered', otherwise it sounds
like some kind of sorting algorithm (as in, returns an ordered sequence
of its arguments).

Must be single-word name or nothing per Andrei's Hierarchy Of Naming Abstractions (AHONA). From low-level to high-level abstractions:

* If a realization is too simple and frequent, no abstraction should replace it.

* If a realization has high frequency but low complexity, it can only be replaced by an abstraction that is one simple word with no change of case. E.g. "among" is okay, "isAmong" is not.

* If a realization has high frequency and high complexity, it may be replaced by an abstraction with a multi-word name, little or no nesting, and few or no type parameters.

* If a realization has low frequency and high complexity, it may be replaced by an abstraction with a multi-word name, nesting, and type parameters.


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