On 2015-03-26 12:23, Andrej Mitrovic via Digitalmars-d wrote:
One idea I'd like to see is to enhance scope(failure) to allow it to
catch a specific type of exception which would allow us to e.g. log
the exception message and potentially re-throw the exception. All of
this without having to nest our code in try/catch statements.

Sounds like you want a catch statement without being tied to a try statement. Something like this exists in Ruby:

With begin/end:

def foo
    raise 'foo'
  rescue Exception => E
    p e


def foo
  raise 'foo'
rescue Exception => E // tied to the function scope
  p e

In the above example the "rescue" is tied to the function scope. Something similar could be supported in D:

void foo ()
  throw new Exception("foo");

  catch (Exception e) // tied to the function scope

Or possibly tie it to the most enclosing scope:

void foo ()
    throw new Exception("foo");

    catch (Exception e) // tied to the scope

I wouldn't mind if this was supported.

/Jacob Carlborg

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