On 3/27/15 4:22 AM, tcak wrote:
On Friday, 27 March 2015 at 05:17:03 UTC, jonaspm wrote:
but readln(p); isn't supposed to read input and store it into p?

Nope. Parameter is terminator character. Read string is returned from
the function. So, it would be like:

string p = readln();

readln has an overload that looks like this:

size_t readln(C)(ref C[] buf, dchar terminator = '\x0a') if (isSomeChar!C && is(Unqual!C == C) && !is(C == enum));

Which is what the OP is using (possibly, he never defines p and q).

As for the error, assuming you have proper buffer types for p and q, it appears that your stdin is closed somehow. I think this is likely an environmental issue. Please post the full code and describe the environment if you need more help.

Your code works fine for me on OSX:

import std.stdio;
import std.string;

void main()
    char[] p;
    char[] q;
    write("Write p: ");
    p = chomp(p);
    writeln("Write q: ");
    q = chomp(q);

    writeln(p, " ", q);


Write p: adb;lna;lhiser
Write q:
adb;lna;lhiser slisieleru


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