On Sunday, 29 March 2015 at 15:40:56 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
One other informative graph that should be much easier to generate is the direct imports graph (no transitivity).

I had a go at it, and I have something for that now. This graph should show what std.regex imports. I'm not sure if anything is missing from the module info. I imagine there's a template which might need insantiating first in order to add in import line, and I'm not sure if the ModuleInfo will include all the scoped imports or not. I assume it does.


I added an extra method named 'addModuleWithDirectDepdencies' for adding a module to the set of modules and just its direct dependencies, not the transitive dependencies. Then I added an extra set to the structure for tracking which modules are supposed to be leaf nodes in the graph, and made the DOT functions check for that.

I had to add the leaf checking, as the dependencies could be importing each other, and the structure was only storing nodes, not edges. I should maybe make the structures store just a directed graph, but whatever.

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