This is a tooling issue.

D builds and messaging are rigged to consider unittests as a special build followed by a special run of an application.

In brief: I'd like to transition to a model in which unittesting is organically part of the build. After all, you wouldn't want to deploy an application that's failing its unittests.

Detail: Consider running a build vs. a unittest in one of the supported editors/IDEs (emacs, vim, Code:Blocks, Visual D, Xamarin...). During a build, an error will come in a standard format, e.g.

std/array.d(39): Error: undefined identifier xyz

This format is recognized by the editor and allows the user to click on it and go straight to the offending line etc.

In contrast, a failing unittest has a completely different format. In fact, it's a format that's worse than useless because it confuses the editor:

core.exception.AssertError@std/array.d(39): xyz

emacs will recognize the text as a filename and upon clicking would ask the user to open the nonsense file "core.exception.AssertError@std/array.d". This error line is followed by a stacktrace, which is in no recognizable format. It should be in the format of e.g. gcc remarks providing additional information for an error, and again provide file/line information so the user can click and see the call stack in the source.

Where I want us to be is a place where unittests are considered a part of the build; it should be trivial to set things up such that unittesting is virtually indistinguishable from compilation and linking.

This all is relatively easy to implement but might have a large positive impact.

Please chime in before I make this into an issue. Anyone would like to take this?


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