On Monday, 30 March 2015 at 15:32:25 UTC, Columbus wrote:

I want to use D as the language of a hobby operating system.
There isn't much documentation about doing so, and the question
already got asked: "When D is a system language, why hasn't
anyone made an OS in it yet?".
So I ask it again, maybe a bit differently:

"Is there usefull documentation about using D as OS language?"

There was an attempt to create an operating system in D, but it didn't end well.
Repository:  https://github.com/klamonte/cycle
Critique of D: https://github.com/klamonte/cycle/blob/master/docs/no_more_d.md

That critique and my own frustrations trying to us D for bare-metal programming led to this thread: http://forum.dlang.org/post/khyopozjdkximzmcz...@forum.dlang.org

IMO, D is an efficient applications programming language with great potential for systems programming, but to reach that potential, a few changes need to be made to the compiler and the runtime. However, the community's aversion to change, and bias towards other programming domains has made that highly unlikely and low priority. I tried to move it forward, but found myself fighting the current.

I don't care for some of Rust's ML influence, but with their minimal runtime philosophy, libcore, and modular language features, they seemed to have put more thought into bare-metal and systems programming programming. My heart is still with D, though.


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