On 2015-03-31 23:14, Idan Arye wrote:

Building by unittest name! Imagine - instead of placing temporary code
in `main` to develop a new feature or fix a bug, you put in a named
unittest and tell your IDE/build-system to only build that unittest(and
whatever code needed for it to run). You `writeln` stuff to the console,
and when you get some changes to output what you want you change the
`writeln`s to `assert`s and proceed to work on the next step. When you
are done, all you have to do is tidy it up a bit and BAM - without any
special effort you get a unittest that tests that feature/bug you just
worked on.

You just reinvented test driven development ;). It's perfectly possible to do this with a UDA an a text string as well. UDA's also allows you to tag the tests. Basically a short name you put on multiple tests, then tell the test runner to run only those tests, or ignore those.

@tag("foo") @name("this is my test name") unittest {}

$ run-tests -t foo

/Jacob Carlborg

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