On Wednesday, 1 April 2015 at 19:04:43 UTC, ketmar wrote:
On Wed, 01 Apr 2015 16:16:58 +0000, Paulo Pinto wrote:

Actually metaprogramming is how a lot of magic happens in Java and .NET.

without on-the-fly code generation that's a mockery.

Metaprogramming in .net is done through T4 templates. This is a Visual Studio feature, not a language feature.

There are two types of T4 templates:
- text templates - similar to mixins in D, you create a .tt file and each time you save it, a counterpart source file (even a .d source file) is created; - runtime text templates - code is generated and compiled at runtime on the fly.

That's how most of the Visual Studio code designers and generators work.

Template language can be C# or VB and T4 templates support debugging.

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