On 4/6/15 8:51 PM, Adam Hawkins wrote:
Hello everyone, this is my first post on the forum. I've been
investigating the language for the past few weeks. I was able to
complete my first useful program thanks to very helpful people in #d on
IRC . The experience made me very interested in the language and
improving the community around it.

I'm primarily Ruby developer (been so about the last 7-8 years) doing
web stuff with significant JavaScript work as well. I wrote a blog post
on why I'm excited about D. You can read it here:

I've been reading the forums here so I can see that there is a focus on
improving the marketing for the language and growing the community. I
see most of the effort is geared towards C++ programmers, but have you
considered looking at us dynamic languages folk? I see a big upside for
us. Moving from Ruby to D (my case) gives me power & performance. I
still have OOP techniques but I still have functional things like
closures and all that good stuff. Only trade off in the Ruby case is
metaprogramming. All in all I think there is a significant value promise
for those of us doing backend services for folks like me.

Regardless, I figured it might be interesting to hear about some
experience coming to the language from a different perspective. Cheers!

"Ruby was never intended to be correct" -> I think Ruby is the most correct language I've seen around.

a = []
a << a
p a         #=> [[...]]
p a == a[0] #=> true

This is just an example. Using Ruby and reading its source code I found so many things that they get right, like border-cases, that I'm surprised you say that.

It's true that Ruby is slow, but only because their priority is correctness.

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