On 2015-04-08 23:10:37 +0000, Walter Bright <newshou...@digitalmars.com> said:


In the definition of a Reference Counted Object:

An object is assumed to be reference counted if it has a postblit and a destructor, and does not have an opAssign marked @system.

Why should it not have an opAssign marked @system?

And what happens if the struct has a postblit but it is @disabled? Will the compiler forbid you from passing it by ref in cases where it'd need to make a copy, or will it just not be a RCO?

More generally, is it right to add implicit copying just because a struct has a postblit and a destructor? If someone implemented a by-value container in D (such as those found in C++), this behaviour of the compiler would trash the performance by silently doing useless unnecessary copies. You won't even get memory-safety as a benefit: if the container allocates from the GC it's safe anyway, otherwise you're referencing deallocated memory with your ref parameter (copying the struct would just make a copy elsewhere, not retain the memory of the original).

I think you're assuming too much from the presence of a postblit and a destructor. This implicit copy behaviour should not be trigged by seemingly unrelated clues. Instead of doing that:

        auto tmp = rc;

the compiler should insert this:

        auto tmp = rc.opPin();

RCArray can implement opPin by returning a copy of itself. A by-value container can implement opPin by returning a dummy struct that retains the container's memory until the dummy struct's destructor is called. Alternatively someone could make a dummy "void opPin() @system {}" to signal it isn't safe to pass internal references around (only in system code would the implicit call to opPin compile). If you were writing a layout-compatible D version of std::vector, you'd likely have to use a @system opPin because there's no way you can "pin" that memory and guaranty memory-safety when passing references around.

Michel Fortin

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