On 2015-04-10 21:02, Idan Arye wrote:

Many of these Vim users are not really Vim users - not in the sense that
Emacs users are Emacs users anyways. Sure, they use Vim - but only
because it's a default editor in Unix-like systems. If Windows Notepad
was the default text they wouldn't have installed Vim so they could use
it - they simply would have used Notepad. They just want something
that'll allow them to edit text files, and they don't care to learn
anything more advanced than the most basic stuff they need - opening it
from the shell to edit a file, typing text, saving, closing. Other
simple commands - like opening another file in the same session - might
also be basic and simple, but because they are not part of that workflow
these users won't bother to learn them.

I wouldn't call those Vim users, even I can do that. But that is only because sometimes I need to SSH in to a computer and edit a file that doesn't provide anything other than Vim.

/Jacob Carlborg

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